For Investors, Capital Raisers, & Entrepreneurs

Step By Step Guide to Raise Your First Million Guest Podcasting (Without Begging Friends and Family)

Master the Art of Guest Podcasting and Watch Your Portfolio Scale.
No BS, Just Smart Conversations

We average about 20+ new investor inquiries per month from podcast bookings.

Tom Dunkel, Chief Investment Officer - Bell Rose Storage Group

Master The Art of Capital Raising

Best Known Beats Best

How will you stand out?

American Express says it takes 7 touch points before prospects take action.

Back in the old days (pre-2020), raising capital meant hitting conferences, local meetups, and endless in-person events.Shaking hands and kissing babies was the name of the game.But today, we’re in the digital era.You don’t need to do that anymore.You can batch 10 meetings in a day, raise capital abroad, and do everything remotely.I know because I’ve done it. But before we dive deeper, you might be wondering if this course is for you.If none of these apply to you, close your MacBook Air, grab a cold glass of 2% milk from the fridge, and forget you ever read this:

  • Your pipeline of friends and family capital is running dry.

  • You’ve been on a few podcasts but saw little to no results.

  • You want to raise more capital but don’t know where to start.

  • You understand the power of digital leverage and brand building.

  • You want to optimize your time, and face to face meetups aren’t cutting it.

I could list more, but you get the idea.If guest podcasting to attract more capital sounds right for you, let’s keep moving.


No Skill Matters More

And the opportunities are endless.

Hey, I’m Matthew

I’m a real estate investor and founder.Investors turn to me when they’re stuck and need to supercharge their brand to raise more capital through podcasting and cutting edge marketing strategies.

I’ve helped raise $30 million in capital for 17 real estate investors through guest podcasting and built a portfolio of over 700 units.In 2019, I hosted Real Estate Journeys, a Top 400 Business Podcast with over 100 reviews and 114 episodes.I noticed a pattern...Investors are always on the hunt for capital and struggle to:

  • Find investors

  • Curate investors

  • Build online trust

Why?Because they don’t know what they don’t know.Guest podcasting changes the game.It’s how prospects get to...

  • Know

  • Like

  • And Trust You

The basic building blocks online capital raising.Seeing this gap, I launched CAP X MEDIA (formerly Elite Podcast Bookings) in 2020.Our mission?To get real estate investors on top industry podcasts and help them attract more capital.Why?Because in real estate, best known beats best.Imagine sharing your story with thousands of potential investors while enjoying your morning coffee.Picture building trust and authority from the comfort of your home office.If you’re tired of the same old networking events and want to scale your capital raising efforts, it’s time to blow up your voice.Use podcasts to spread your message and watch your influence build.

If you want to use podcasts to get your message out and really build your business, you should seriously consider Matthew and his company, CAP X MEDIA.They have helped us a ton to grow our investor base.

Ken Gee, Founder - KRI Properties

How It Works

Most Capital Raisers Have It Backwards

Raising capital is simpler than you think.

What has guest podcasting done for my business?Honestly, if I ditched every other marketing strategy and just stuck with guest podcasting, I’d still be crushing it. This strategy is all about doing less and getting more.Why is this course called "My First Million Podcasting"?Because it’s about hitting big milestones with smart, efficient moves. And let’s be real, the name pops.Here’s the deal: I’ve help raise $30 million in capital for 17 real estate investors and built a portfolio of over 700 units—all thanks to guest podcasting.Every high-value connection and trusted relationship I’ve built started with podcasting.Running a Top 400 Business Podcast, Real Estate Journeys, with over 100 reviews and 114 episodes, plus countless guest appearances and owning a media company, has shown me the power of this method.How does it work?You get on top industry podcasts, share gold, and build trust with potential investors and guide them into your funnel.You then repurpose those podcast appearances into blog posts, social media content, and email campaigns—spreading your reach without extra effort.My system is simple: one podcast turns into a ton of content that drives leads and capital.Here’s the playbook:1. Find Top Podcasts: Target podcasts with audiences that fit my niche.2. Craft Killer Pitches: Send pitches that showcase my unique value and expertise.3. Max Out Each Appearance: Transform each podcast into multiple marketing tools—social posts, emails, you name it.4. Leverage the Trust: Use these appearances to build relationships and attract investors who trust your expertise.When done consistently, this method skyrockets your capital, connections, and credibility.This course will show you how to do the same, tailored to your situation.No fancy funnels, no fluff—just a proven strategy I’ve honed over years.With a few hours of focused effort each week, you can see huge results.Imagine more free time and a booming business.That’s what "My First Million Podcasting" is all about. Let’s get you started.

I hired CAP X MEDIA to get me on some podcasts and have enjoyed my experience so far.

Chad Griffiths, Host - Industrial Real Estate Podcast

What's Inside?

From Podcast Guest to Capital Raiser Powerhouse

The Straightforward Guide to Raising Capital with Guest Podcasting

When you sign up for My First Million Podcasting here's everything you will get:

1) New Effective Capital Raising Strategy

The best time to raise capital isn’t when you’re desperate for it.Every savvy capital raiser gets this.Raising capital is an ongoing hustle, demanding you to always be on your game.You’ve got to master the art of operating in “one to many.”You need to retrain your brain to think bigger.Gone are the days of your yelling into the black void fo the internet.Inside you will...

  • Learn the secrets to highlighting your unique selling points and creating urgency.

  • Effective follow up techniques to keep you top of mind and convert interest into investment. Learn how to craft personalized messages and maintain consistent communication.

  • Discover how to craft irresistible offers that attract and excite investors. Learn the key components that make your investment opportunities stand out.

  • Boost your reach by promoting your podcast episodes like a pro. Leverage social media and your network to ensure your message gets heard by the right people.

  • Empower yourself with strategies to address investor concerns confidently. Turn doubts into opportunities and build trust with clear, answers.

By the end of this course

You'll feel confident in your ability to raise capital through guest podcasting and pulling in new investors.

2) Personal Branding and Marketing Skills

Your brand is what people say about you.A strong brand sells for you.A weak brand pushes people away.Add some smart marketing, and you've got rocket fuel for raising capital.I'll show you how to position yourself to stand out, gain credibility, and systematize your growth.

  • Develop strategies to showcase your expertise and build trust.

  • Discover content marketing techniques to consistently engage a broader audience and attract investors.

  • Learn how to craft a personal brand that resonates with your target audience.

By the end of this course

You'll feel empowered to transform your brand into an investor magnet, driving trust and sustainable growth with ease.

3) Increased Investor Engagement and Trust

Learn how to connect with potential investors on a deeper level and build their confidence in your expertise.This course will teach you proven techniques to boost investor engagement and trust, helping you build lasting relationships that drive real results.

  • Become "THE" capital raiser in your industry, not just "uh" capital raiser.

  • Learn how to curate investors and stay at the forefront of their minds.

  • Discover what sets a great capital raiser apart using digital media versus those who don’t.

By the end of this course

You'll have all the knowledge and tools to start attracting capital online and position yourself as a one of a kind expert.

That's All?

Raise Millions Through Guest Podcasting (And Enjoy the Process)

You will know how to navigate and land investors online.

My First Million Podcasting curriculum will give you a competitive edge in raising capital.You'll gain unlimited strategies to attract investors and grow your real estate ventures.Lastly, you'll learn how to implement my proven system that has raised millions and built a thriving portfolio.That's all great, but I'm committed to giving you every tool you need to succeed in capital raising through guest podcasting.Here are 4 extra bonuses to boost your credibility, streamline your processes, and make you stand out online.

2 High Impact Landing Pages To Boost Your Brand

First impressions matter.You will get the tools and template to set up a custom calendar booking link and confirmation page that grabs attention and attracts investors.

Valued at $225

4 Outbound Messaging Templates

You’ll get 4 proven, handcrafted email templates that get your emails opened and read—straight from our playbook.Tested and refined for maximum impact.

Valued at $97

Guest Podcasting Best Practices Checklist

Podcasting has a lot of moving parts, and you don't want to miss the small details.This checklist will make sure you're ready to start attracting capital and putting your best foot forward without worry.

Valued at $20

Top Tier Media Mastery

I'll share my framework for getting featured in major national publications like US News & World Report and Econo Times for FREE, helping you take your brand to the next level.Being known beats the best. Every time.

Save that $1,000 PR fee for something else.

Experts Across The Industry


Say what?

I wholeheartedly endorse Matthew for his marketing skills and asset management proficiency.He is an asset to any organization

Omar Khan, Principal - Boardwalk Wealth

Matthew’s a true professional who can be counted on to drive success in any project.

Lennon Lee, Principal - Passivo Investments

If you want to stand out in your industry, Matthew will 100% help you gain the inches you want to dominate.10/10 would recommend.

Walter Johnson, Principal - Sonos Capital

I worked with Matthew on a property we owned in GA.I recommend Matthew to help any company with marketing and asset management..

Sam Bates, Principal - Bates Capital Group

Matthew knows his stuff about LinkedIn marketing and marketing in general.Highly recommended.

Owen Reimer, Principal - Stoneshore Capital

Matthew is very creative.He always has ideas that may potentially generate more leads.

Alina Trigrub, Managing Partner - SAMO Financial

Our Guarantee & Promise

I Might Let You Down

Here’s the deal…

Let me break it down:

  • No refunds

  • No guarantees

  • No big promises

If you’re serious about raising capital through guest podcasting, you know the value of investing in yourself.I’m confident this course far exceeds its $200 price tag.This digital product has no returns, so we need protection against freeloaders.I stand by this course.It’s the same system I share with my clients, who consistently experience "aha" moments after applying it.If $200 is a stretch, invest it elsewhere.This course is for those ready to level up and get real results.If you have doubts, see what others say about me and my services.

Featured In

National Publications

Across The United States

Enroll Today

My First Million Podcasting

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Long story short, if you want to spread your message to a larger audience, you need to do it on a digital platform.Podcasting offers an incredibly intimate experience.It's not like a song you can just tune in and out of.Podcast listeners put on their headphones while:

  • Doing yard work

  • Hitting the gym

  • Taking a walk

All while engaging deeply with a 30-minute podcast from start to finish.I've seen the benefits firsthand.My clients have seen the benefits firsthand.You could see the benefits too.Can’t wait to see you inside the course!

Got Questions?

Here’s Your Answer

Let’s make sure we’re on the same page

1. What exactly will I learn in this course?

This course will teach you how to effectively use guest podcasting to raise your first $1,000,000 for real estate investments.You'll learn everything from identifying the right podcasts to pitch, crafting a compelling message, delivering impactful interviews, and converting listeners into investors.

2. Do I need any prior experience in podcasting or real estate to benefit from this course?

If you don't have prior experience in real estate, the financial markets, or a good business acumen, this course isn't for you.However, if you do have this background, whether you're new to podcasting or a seasoned real estate investor, this course will guide you step-by-step to successfully raise capital through guest podcasting.

3. How is the course content delivered, and how long will I have access to it?

The course is delivered through video lessons, downloadable resources, and interactive modules.Once you purchase the course, you'll have lifetime access to all the materials, allowing you to learn at your own pace and revisit the content whenever you need.

4. Are there any guarantees or refunds if I'm not satisfied with the course?

Due to the nature of the digital product, we do not offer refunds.However, we are confident in the value and effectiveness of the course content.If you're serious about raising capital and growing your real estate business through guest podcasting, this course will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to succeed.

5. Do I Need a Large Following to Make This Work?

Not at all.Guest podcasting is a powerful tool to grow your following and attract investors.Even if you're starting from scratch, this course will teach you how to build a solid audience and connect with potential investors.

6. How Long Will It Take to Start Seeing Results?

Just like any skill, it takes practice and consistency.You'll need to put in the reps and get better over time.However, with the strategies and frameworks provided, you'll be ahead of the game and start seeing tangible results faster than most.

7. Is This a Self-Paced Course, Community, or Cohort?

This is a self-paced course.You'll have access to the materials and free updates for as long as the course is available online, allowing you to learn at your own pace and revisit the content whenever you need.

8. Is This a Video Course?

This course has it all—videos, Notion templates, and written text.You'll get access to a membership dashboard with a written curriculum, videos for implementation, and practical templates.Everything you need to understand and apply the system is included.

Have more questions?
Email me at [email protected]

Copyright © 2024 by CAP X MEDIA , LLC